Cannot Call Mutating Async Function ‘Create’ on Actor-Isolated Property ‘dataService’: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Keeva -

Cannot Call Mutating Async Function ‘Create’ on Actor-Isolated Property ‘dataService’: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of encountering the infamous “Cannot call mutating async function ‘create’ on actor-isolated property ‘dataService'” error in your actor-based application? Worry no more! In this exhaustive guide, we’ll delve into the root causes of this issue, explore the concept of actor isolation, and provide actionable solutions to help you overcome this obstacle.

What is Actor Isolation?

In the world of actor-based programming, isolation is a fundamental concept that ensures the integrity and reliability of your application. In essence, actor isolation means that each actor runs in its own isolated environment, with its own memory space and thread of execution. This isolation prevents one actor from directly accessing or modifying the state of another actor.

Benefits of Actor Isolation

  • Thread Safety: Actor isolation ensures that each actor runs in its own thread, eliminating the risk of thread conflicts and data corruption.
  • Encapsulation: By isolating actors, you can encapsulate their state and behavior, making it easier to reason about their interactions.
  • Scalability: Actor isolation enables you to scale your application horizontally, adding more actors as needed to handle increased workloads.

The “Cannot Call Mutating Async Function ‘Create’ on Actor-Isolated Property ‘dataService'” Error

This error occurs when you attempt to call a mutating async function (like ‘create’) on a property (like ‘dataService’) that is isolated within an actor. This is a fundamental limitation of actor isolation.

The error message itself is quite descriptive, but let’s break it down:

Component Description
Cannot call You’re trying to invoke a function on an isolated property.
Mutating async function The function you’re calling is both asynchronous and mutating (i.e., it changes the state of the property).
‘Create’ The specific function being called is ‘create’, which is likely trying to create a new instance of the ‘dataService’ property.
on actor-isolated property ‘dataService’ The property ‘dataService’ is isolated within an actor, making it inaccessible for direct modification.

Solutions to the Error

Now that we understand the error, let’s explore some solutions to overcome this limitation:

Solution 1: Use a Non-Mutating Async Function

If you can modify the function being called, consider converting it to a non-mutating async function. This might involve refactoring the function to return a new instance of the ‘dataService’ property instead of modifying the existing one.

// Original function
async createDataService() {
  // Mutate the dataService property
  this.dataService = new DataService();

// Refactored function
async createDataService() {
  // Return a new instance of DataService
  return new DataService();

Solution 2: Use a Separate Actor for Data Service

Instead of isolating the ‘dataService’ property within the same actor, consider creating a separate actor dedicated to managing the data service. This allows you to call the ‘create’ function on the separate actor, bypassing the isolation limitation.

// Original code
actor MyActor {
  dataService: DataService;

  async createDataService() {
    // Error: Cannot call mutating async function 'create' on actor-isolated property 'dataService'
    this.dataService = new DataService();

// Refactored code
actor MyActor {
  dataServiceActor: DataServiceActor;

  async createDataService() {
    // Call the 'create' function on the separate DataServiceActor

actor DataServiceActor {
  dataService: DataService;

  async createDataService() {
    // Create a new instance of DataService
    this.dataService = new DataService();

Solution 3: Use a Message-Based Approach

In some cases, you might not be able to directly modify the isolated property or function. In such scenarios, consider using a message-based approach to communicate between actors.

actor MyActor {
  async createDataService() {
    // Send a message to the DataServiceActor to create a new instance

actor DataServiceActor {
  dataService: DataService;

  async receive(message) {
    if (message === "CREATE_DATA_SERVICE") {
      // Create a new instance of DataService
      this.dataService = new DataService();

Best Practices for Working with Actor Isolation

To avoid encountering the “Cannot call mutating async function ‘create’ on actor-isolated property ‘dataService'” error, follow these best practices:

  1. Design with Isolation in Mind: Plan your actor architecture with isolation in mind, ensuring that sensitive state and behavior are properly encapsulated.
  2. Avoid Direct Modification: Refrain from directly modifying isolated properties or calling mutating async functions on them.
  3. Use Message-Based Communication: Leverage message-based communication between actors to ensure loose coupling and maintain isolation.
  4. Test Thoroughly: Perform comprehensive testing to identify isolation-related issues early on in your development cycle.


In conclusion, the “Cannot call mutating async function ‘create’ on actor-isolated property ‘dataService'” error is a common obstacle in actor-based programming. By understanding the concept of actor isolation, identifying the root causes of the error, and applying the solutions outlined in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to overcome this challenge and build robust, scalable applications.

Remember to design with isolation in mind, avoid direct modification, use message-based communication, and test thoroughly to ensure the integrity and reliability of your actor-based system.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck with the “Cannot call mutating async function ‘create’ on actor-isolated property ‘dataService'” error? Worry not! We’ve got the answers to your burning questions.

What does the “Cannot call mutating async function ‘create’ on actor-isolated property ‘dataService'” error even mean?

This error occurs when you’re trying to call an asynchronous function, like ‘create’, on a property that’s isolated to an actor, like ‘dataService’. Think of it like trying to access a private party from outside – it just won’t work!

Why is my property, ‘dataService’, isolated to an actor in the first place?

This usually happens when you’re using the @actor annotation in your code, which isolates the property to the actor’s scope. It’s like a private room where only the actor can access the property – no outsiders allowed!

How do I fix this error? Can I just remove the @actor annotation?

Hold on, partner! Removing the @actor annotation might fix the error, but it could also break your code’s intended functionality. Instead, try calling the async function from within the actor’s scope, or create a separate function that can be called from outside the actor’s scope.

Can I use an async function as a callback to avoid this error?

You’re getting close! Yes, using an async function as a callback can help you avoid this error. However, make sure you’re not calling the async function directly on the actor-isolated property. Instead, call the callback function from within the actor’s scope.

Any final tips for dealing with actor-isolated properties and async functions?

Remember, when working with actor-isolated properties and async functions, it’s all about scope and access control. Keep your code organized, use callbacks wisely, and always consider the scope of your functions and properties. Happy coding!