Ambient Declarations Work, But `Declare Global` is Lost in a Monorepo Workspace Using pnpm: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Keeva -

Ambient Declarations Work, But `Declare Global` is Lost in a Monorepo Workspace Using pnpm: A Comprehensive Guide

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If you’re a developer working with a monorepo workspace using pnpm, you might have stumbled upon an issue where `declare global` is lost, leaving you wondering what’s going on. Fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of ambient declarations, `declare global`, and how to make them work seamlessly in your monorepo workspace using pnpm.

What are Ambient Declarations?

Ambient declarations, a feature introduced in TypeScript 3.7, allow you to declare types that aren’t actually present in your code. Think of them as a way to tell TypeScript, “Hey, I know this type isn’t explicitly defined, but I promise it’s there!” This feature is particularly useful when working with external libraries or modules that don’t provide their own type declarations.

// ambient.d.ts
declare module 'external-library' {
  export function doSomething(): void;

In the example above, we’re creating an ambient declaration for the `external-library` module, specifying that it exports a `doSomething` function. This declaration allows us to use the `external-library` module in our code, even though it doesn’t provide its own type declarations.

The `Declare Global` Conundrum

Now, let’s talk about the `declare global` syntax. When you use `declare global`, you’re telling TypeScript to merge the declared types into the global namespace. This can be useful when you want to augment existing types or create new ones that are globally accessible.

// globals.d.ts
declare global {
  interface Window {
    myCustomProperty: string;

In this example, we’re using `declare global` to add a new property called `myCustomProperty` to the `Window` interface. This property is now globally accessible and can be used throughout your application.

The Issue with pnpm and Monorepo Workspaces

Here’s where things get interesting. When using pnpm in a monorepo workspace, you might notice that your `declare global` declarations are being lost. This is because pnpm creates a separate `node_modules` directory for each package in your monorepo, which can lead to issues with ambient declarations and `declare global` statements.

When you run `pnpm install` or `pnpm build`, pnpm creates a new `node_modules` directory for each package. This means that the `globals.d.ts` file containing your `declare global` statements is not being included in the compilation process.

Solving the Problem: A Step-by-Step Guide

Don’t worry, we’ve got a solution for you! To make `declare global` work in a monorepo workspace using pnpm, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new file called `globals.d.ts` in the root of your monorepo workspace. This file will contain your `declare global` statements.

  2. In each package’s `tsconfig.json` file, add the following configuration:

      "compilerOptions": {
        // ... other options ...
        "typeRoots": ["../node_modules/@types", "./globals.d.ts"]

    This tells TypeScript to include the `globals.d.ts` file in the compilation process for each package.

  3. In your `pnpm.config.js` file, add the following configuration:

    module.exports = {
      // ... other configurations ...
      hooks: {
        readPackage: (pkg) => {
          pkg.types = './globals.d.ts';
          return pkg;

    This tells pnpm to include the `globals.d.ts` file in the `node_modules` directory for each package.

  4. Run `pnpm install` or `pnpm build` to re-create the `node_modules` directories and include the `globals.d.ts` file.

  5. Verify that your `declare global` statements are now being recognized by TypeScript.

Additional Tips and Tricks

Here are a few extra tips to keep in mind when working with ambient declarations and `declare global` statements in a monorepo workspace using pnpm:

  • Make sure to keep your `globals.d.ts` file organized and maintainable. You can use folders and subfolders to categorize your declarations.

  • If you’re using a linter, make sure to configure it to ignore the `globals.d.ts` file. You don’t want to get pesky linting errors!

  • When using `declare global`, be mindful of naming collisions. Make sure to choose unique names for your declared types to avoid conflicts.

  • If you’re working with a large monorepo, consider using a tool like `tsd` or `type-coverage` to help manage your type declarations.


In conclusion, ambient declarations and `declare global` statements can be a powerful tool in your TypeScript arsenal. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can make them work seamlessly in your monorepo workspace using pnpm. Remember to keep your `globals.d.ts` file organized, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or issues.

Keyword Description
Ambient declarations Declaring types that aren’t explicitly defined in your code
`Declare global` Merging declared types into the global namespace
pnpm A package manager for JavaScript
Monorepo workspace A single repository containing multiple packages

Happy coding, and may the type safety be with you!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck in a monorepo workspace using pnpm? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some answers to your burning questions about ambient declarations and `declare global`.

Why do ambient declarations work, but `declare global` gets lost in my monorepo workspace?

That’s because ambient declarations are type-only constructs, whereas `declare global` is a runtime declaration. When you use pnpm, your monorepo workspace gets compiled separately, which means the runtime declarations get lost in the process. But, don’t worry! There are ways to get around this.

What’s the difference between ambient declarations and `declare global`?

Ambient declarations are used to define types that can be used globally within your project. They don’t emit any code and only exist at compile-time. On the other hand, `declare global` is used to declare a global variable or function that can be accessed from anywhere in your project. It’s a runtime declaration that emits code, which is why it gets lost in your monorepo workspace.

How can I preserve `declare global` in my monorepo workspace?

You can use the `–global` flag with pnpm to ensure that `declare global` gets preserved. This flag tells pnpm to compile your code in a way that supports global declarations. Alternatively, you can use a bundler like Webpack or Rollup to bundle your code, which will also preserve the `declare global` declarations.

What if I’m using a bundler like Webpack or Rollup?

If you’re using a bundler, you don’t need to worry about preserving `declare global` declarations. Bundlers like Webpack and Rollup will automatically bundle your code and preserve the global declarations. Just make sure you’re configuring your bundler correctly to support global declarations.

Are there any other workarounds to get `declare global` working in my monorepo workspace?

Yes, another workaround is to use a separate file for your global declarations and then import that file in your main entry point. This way, the global declarations get compiled separately and are available throughout your project. It’s a bit more work, but it’s a viable solution if you’re stuck!

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