Can a Go interface receive any function, regardless of its signature?
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Can a Go interface receive any function, regardless of its signature?

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As a Golang developer, you may have wondered whether a Go interface can receive any function, regardless of its signature. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Go interfaces and explore the answer to this question.

What are Go interfaces?

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s take a step back and understand what Go interfaces are. An interface in Go is a collection of methods that a type can implement. It’s a way to define a contract that a type must adhere to, without caring about the underlying implementation.

type Printer interface {

In the above example, we define an interface called `Printer` that has a single method `Print()`. Any type that implements this interface must provide an implementation for the `Print()` method.

Can a Go interface receive any function?

The short answer is: it depends. In Go, an interface can receive any value that implements the interface, including functions. However, there’s a catch. The function must satisfy the interface’s method signature.

Method signature mismatch

Let’s consider an example where we define an interface with a single method `Run()` that takes no arguments and returns no value.

type Runner interface {

Now, let’s try to assign a function with a different signature to this interface.

func add(a int, b int) int {
    return a + b

var r Runner = add

This code will not compile, because the `add` function does not satisfy the `Runner` interface’s method signature. The `add` function takes two `int` arguments and returns an `int` value, whereas the `Run()` method of the `Runner` interface takes no arguments and returns no value.

Method signature match

Let’s consider another example where we define an interface with a single method `Compute()` that takes two `int` arguments and returns an `int` value.

type Calculator interface {
    Compute(a int, b int) int

Now, let’s assign a function with a matching signature to this interface.

func multiply(a int, b int) int {
    return a * b

var c Calculator = multiply

This code will compile, because the `multiply` function satisfies the `Calculator` interface’s method signature. The `multiply` function takes two `int` arguments and returns an `int` value, which matches the `Compute()` method of the `Calculator` interface.

Functions as interface values

So, can a Go interface receive any function, regardless of its signature? The answer is yes, but with a caveat. An interface can receive a function as a value, but the function must satisfy the interface’s method signature.

type FuncIntInt interface {
    Compute(a int, b int) int

func add(a int, b int) int {
    return a + b

func main() {
    var f FuncIntInt = add
    result := f.Compute(2, 3)
    fmt.Println(result) // Output: 5

In this example, we define an interface `FuncIntInt` with a single method `Compute()` that takes two `int` arguments and returns an `int` value. We then assign the `add` function to this interface, which satisfies the interface’s method signature. Finally, we call the `Compute()` method on the interface value, which will execute the `add` function.

Best practices

When working with interfaces and functions in Go, it’s essential to follow best practices to avoid confusion and ensure maintainable code.

  • Define interfaces with intention: When defining an interface, think about the methods that must be implemented by the types that will satisfy the interface. Make sure the method signatures are clear and concise.
  • Use interface values wisely: When assigning a function to an interface, ensure that the function signature matches the interface’s method signature. This will prevent runtime errors and make your code more predictable.
  • Document your interfaces: Use Go’s built-in documentation features to document your interfaces and the methods they require. This will make it easier for others (and yourself) to understand the code.


In conclusion, a Go interface can receive any function as a value, but the function must satisfy the interface’s method signature. By following best practices and understanding the nuances of interfaces and functions in Go, you can write more robust and maintainable code.

Interface Method Signature Function Signature Compilation Result
Run() add(a int, b int) int Compilation Error
Compute(a int, b int) int multiply(a int, b int) int Compilation Success
Compute(a int, b int) int add(a int, b int) int Compilation Success

This table summarizes the key takeaways from this article. Remember, when working with interfaces and functions in Go, method signature matching is crucial for successful compilation and execution.

  1. Understand the interface’s method signature and ensure the function satisfies it.
  2. Use interface values wisely and avoid runtime errors.
  3. Document your interfaces and follow best practices for maintainable code.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on the most pressing questions about Go interfaces and function signatures!

Can a Go interface really receive any function, regardless of its signature?

Yes, you can assign any function to a Go interface, regardless of its signature. This is because Go interfaces are implemented structurally, meaning a type implements an interface if it has all the methods with the same name and signature as the interface. However, if you try to call the function through the interface, it will only work if the function signature matches the interface’s method signature.

What happens if the function signature doesn’t match the interface’s method signature?

If the function signature doesn’t match the interface’s method signature, the code will compile just fine, but you’ll get a runtime error when you try to call the function through the interface. This is because Go’s type system doesn’t check the function signatures until runtime.

Is there a way to avoid runtime errors when working with interfaces and functions in Go?

Yes, you can avoid runtime errors by using type assertions or type switching to check the type of the function before calling it through the interface. This way, you can ensure that the function signature matches the interface’s method signature.

What are some use cases for assigning functions with different signatures to an interface?

One common use case is when you want to implement a generic function that can work with different types. For example, you might have a function that takes a slice of any type and sorts it. By using an interface, you can write a single function that works with many different types.

Are there any drawbacks to using interfaces with functions in Go?

One potential drawback is that it can lead to runtime errors if not used carefully. Additionally, it can make the code harder to understand and reason about, since the interface doesn’t provide any information about the function signature.

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